Pilates for Buff Bones®

No class Dec 6 and Dec 13. We’ll be back Dec 20! ♥

Led by Lisa Levinson, these are safe exercises that enhance posture, improve balance and strengthen your spine and hips. The class times are suited to seniors and others still working who want to fit meditative exercise into their lives. Lisa Levinson is a Certified Expressive Movement Therapist and Licensed Pilates for Buff Bones® Instructor specializing in bone health, women’s empowerment, spirituality, body image, eating disorders and trauma issues. After being diagnosed with osteoporosis, Lisa began a personal journey to improve her bone health. She started Beautiful Bones Forever to provide resources for others like herself via podcasts, classes and workshops with bone health professionals. She has extensive experience as a movement therapist and co-founded the WISE Women’s Center, offering holistic health services to low-income women. To sign up and get full information on the location of the Wednesday's class: lisablevinson@gmail.com

Class Info

Starts at: 
Members Price: